Hiding your genius or the fear of being different………..
Why do we NOT show our genius, abilities, talents, passions………?
Many times we are judging ourselves. We are our hardest critique. We say things like we are not good enough, no one is interested in our stuff, we can’t compare to _____, and so forth and so on. That is not the response we get from others as we strut are stuff. There is a sense of respect, at times a sense of awe (like our internal critique everyone else is amazing), a response of excitement and pride (for those close to you), a sense of acknowledgement, and so forth.
Yet there are other gremlins that may arise – jealousy, fear, rejection. Wanting to belong, be accepted is a strong human driving factor. Strutting your stuff – shows you are different (as everyone is – but that does not matter at this moment) – you are standing out – being outstanding. This will attract and dispel people to you. “Owie – is that not a blank wall I can blend into?” “Hey, I am something, really something!” As we are scared we develop ways to minimize that fear – create different masks to wear, different roles to play – to be safe and not hurt (or as much). We can avoid the strutting; we can strut with an outlandish attitude (as not to be approachable); we can strut with honesty and confidence (an ongoing growth process); or…….
So what masks have you designed? When do you wear them? What purpose do they serve? What is your desired face in each of those situations? You can begin to answer these questions for yourself in different ways – here are two – try them and see what you uncover.
Take a stack of the cheap paper plates. On the top side (where you place food) name the mask (or describe the situation you use that mask). Label 3-5 (more if you want to – no limit). Now turn the masks over and draw, color (paint, magic marker) the mask you wear by that name or in that situation (this is not an art demonstration – so just do it!) Arrange all the masks in front of you – color side up. Do you recognize the masks? What are you feeling? Are they serving their purpose? (Just ask the questions – you do not have to have the answers.) Now take one more paper plate. Write on it in big letters – ME. Now turn it over and draw/color the mask – the face. When complete place it in the center of all the masks. What is your response? Strut Your Stuff!!
Take a piece of paper for each mask you wear (3-5 minimally, no upper limit). Label the mask – name the mask at the top of the page. Divide the page into four columns labeled – Situations (when do you use this mask?) ; Purpose (what does it do for me?) ; Characteristics (how do you describe this mask?) ; Insight (what does this tell me about me?) . Now take one more piece of paper and title it ME. Columns – Situations (how can I see myself strutting me?); Purpose (what does it do for me?); Characteristics (how do I and want to describe me?) ; Insight (what have I got going for me?).
Masks are part of our coping strategies. We need to be aware of them. Masks are used throughout the cultures of the world representing power, the unknown, strength. They are used in rituals and in entertainment. They allow us to take on and experience different characteristics. Recognize and be conscientious of how you use your masks. Use the masks to Strut Your Stuff – not to hide behind!!
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