Play with Words…… Play with feelings…..
GENIUS – intelligent, intellect, smart, brainy, thinker, natural, brilliant, resourceful, talent, sage, savant, wise, knowledgeable, inventive, creative, sensible, logical, rational, skilled, trained, astute, brainiac, master, virtuoso, talent, bright, clever, scholarly
Then there are: smart aleck, too big for your britches, snooty, dense, ace, crackerjack, fool, clown, highbrow, egghead, show-off, wiseacre, know-it-all, hotshot, wise guy
Mixed messages – probably have happened over time. The mixed messages are ones you give yourself and that you receive from others. These messages, these words, create emotional responses – yeah, you react. The reactions are emotional and physical. You can feel on top of the world and comfortable. You can feel hurt and troubled. You can be pleased with the recognition and acknowledgement of your skills and abilities. You can want to hide, withdraw, and fit in. You get attention. You are avoided. You speak freely with enthusiasm. Your conversation is very tempered. You stand out and use your skills. You minimize your abilities. Or then there is the dynamic of being silly and you should be serious --- or is it lighten-up. The expectations and demands are made. Or you are ignored and not accepted. You can then question yourself, your value, your worth, your ability and become unsure. You strive to protect yourself – downplay your talents, your brilliance, or become arrogant.
Where is the balance? Where is the authentic you? Finding the right fit for you is an important part of showing your genius. Your world is not an ideal world. Your experiences will vary with time, place, people and you of the moment. Knowing your abilities, talents, gifts, desires, dreams is the starting point. Demonstrating and developing them, yes, that is a responsibility – to you – and to the world. Showing your genius is also a pleasure. Showing takes practice. Practice brings greater understanding, development, confidence, balance, and comfort. It is not a road without struggles or potholes. Any achievement has challenges and requires figuring out “how to” meet those challenges. And remember not to do it alone – that’s the village coming into the picture. Strut your stuff. You are a genius.
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