Saturday, July 17, 2010

Dragons and Treasures – Discover Yours

What are your dragons (fears, rejections, denials)?  What traps do they set?  What treasures do they have for you to experience?  Dragons of the east and west traditions are fearsome, destructive, wise, magical.  The Transforming Dragons Deck by Sonia Café has sixty four different dragons with their traps and their treasures.  Each of us has our own dragons hidden within.  We have feelings, beliefs, experiences we hide, bury, reject, avoid or ignore.  We do not want to see ourselves with those characteristics.  Or, we decide it is not our fault we are that way.  It is the result of so and so, the environment we were brought up in or live in, or…..  So we deny that part of our self that we and/or others do not like.  To transform the dragon and to receive the gifts the dragon guards we first must gain awareness of our selves.  The inner journey has bright spots and dark spots.  The dragon guards a gate, an opening, with the treasure out of sight. Knowing what the dragon represents you can gain the knowledge of what the treasure offers.  Transforming the dragon can take many forms – observing, fighting, pacifying, dancing, accepting – after all it is part of us. 

Let’s take a look at a dragon.  The names (and if you saw the pictures) are from the child – gibberish names and fun, imaginative pictures.  The dragon we are looking at is Jarv. Jarv represents Pressure. 
Sonia Café brief description is:  The dragon is a specialist in “pushing his own way” to make things happen oppressively. He will do anything he can to anticipate deadlines, hasten the cycles, and alter the natural rhythm of things.  Jarv’s most refined form of pressure has vampiric characteristics because he loves to steal the freshness and the novelty of anything that has been born. He only gives a break in pressure after having caused some kind of explosion.  
His favorite Affirmation: “The more difficult, the more complicated, the more pressure there is, the better!” 
Dragonic Traps: -Pressing for stress; - Stressing to make sickness; - Exploding or imploding from pressure. 
The Treasure:  - You can have an extraordinary capacity for keeping calm in any kind of situation.   – You can have an amazing ability to focus attention on doing now what is humanly possible. – You can learn to do one thing at a time, everything in the right time, with the best quality.
Transforming Jarv --- Allow things to come to birth organically, in the right time, in the rhythms of the Soul. 

I take a project – like a bull by its horns.  I will bull doze ahead.  I will make checklists and contacts.  I set time tables.  I am impatient.  I want the results yesterday, when it is a project of my own.  I work with others for joint projects, but still I am impatient when others do not keep pace.  My own projects can become oppressive and I will implode.  Many times with self destruction of --- I am not worthy, it does not matter any way, why try so hard- won’t accomplish it any how, or …..  So then comes the time to breathe.  Deep breaths in and out.  Clear the head and the heart.  Take the project step by step.  Trust in your ability, your connection, and your core desire. Follow through. Stay clear. Be honest with yourself and with others. Be open to the timing and the process.  Experience the journey with appreciation.  Know yourself.  Realize change is a consistent variable and flow with it.  Take your next step with open mind and an open heart.  Live your dream. 

We can explore our dragon(s) – lizards of the earth, swimmers of the sea, greatness flying in the air, and masters of fire.    

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